There are two sets, as you can see here:
- The Classic Set of four different cards for €11,50. You can also order them per card for €3,60.
2. The second set: The Special Edition Set with snow white background comes in three cards for €10.
All art cards come with beautiful quotes, with envelopes and a big part of the incoming money will be donated to de Poezenboot and Vogelbescherming Nederland.
All postal costs are not included.
You can order by sending an e-mail to hello@lyndasmids.com or just fill in the contact form. I’d love to hear from you, as always.
From now on: Hair ‘n ART at Linsey Maria‘s Salon (Eerste Goudsbloemdwarsstraat 14, Amsterdam). While Linsey shampoos your hair, you can look at my (bird) art! And they…. look at YOU!
'Vreetkonijn' exhibited live and online!
My tiny Pakje Kunst painting ‘Vreetkonijn’ can be checked out in De Museumkast in Tilburg. On YouTube you can see and hear Mr. Visser (in episode 195 of Meneer Visser kijkt naar Kunst!) discussing this painting of my green friend.
In de webshop van Kunst & Gifts is ook werk van mij te koop, zoals onderstaand schilderij ‘La Casa en La Colina’. Er wordt slechts een selectie getoond, dus als er niet bij zit wat je zoekt: stuur ze even een mailtje!
This painting (‘La Casa En La Colina’) is for sale at the Kunst & Gifts webshop! There’s only a selection of my work on the site, so if you’re looking for another one of my artworks: don’t hesitate to send them an e-mail!

Pakje Kunst! – Now at Bind, Hembrugterrein, Zaandam, NL, you can go and have a drink and grab a Pakje Kunst from the Pakje Kunst machine. – You can find my tiny artworks in there, as well as the artworks of 23 other artists!-
A Pakje Kunst is a small packet with a tiny artwork. The machine works like a cigarette machine from the old days. You put in 2 €2 coins and there you have yourself a small packet of art. As a present for you or for a friend. Oh, do let me warn you: it’s addictive!
IT’S SPRINGTIME! And I’m celebrating with a new batch of art cards and art pens!
Order them now!(hello@lyndasmids.com) Send me a message which art cards and/or pens you want to purchase and we’ll make that happen!:-D
Price (excluding postal costs):
->per card (on recycled paper) €2,60
->Price per pen: €3,50
Coming Saturday, 12 October, from 14-16.30 hrs, at the FESTIVAL OF CREATIVITY, I will be selling my screenprints on ceramics at the Buurtwerkplaatsen, Cliffordstraat 36 in Amsterdam. There will also be an art auction where you can place a bid on one of my cat artworks (and maybe you’ll be the one who takes it home!)! See you Saturday?
My artworks are now exhibited in VEGA-LIFE (Nieuwe Hoogstraat 3a, Amsterdam) until August, click here for info.
Save The Date:
Zaterdag 15 juni om 15.00 uur-17.00/18.00 uur:
expositieopening VEGA-LIFE (Nieuwe Hoogstraat 3a, Amsterdam)
Zie ik je dan?
In the Group Exhibition of the members of Kunsttraject Amsterdam (4/12/’23- 15/1/’24) my painting ‘Emily’ was exhibited in the art window in Van der Hoopstraat in Amsterdam.

And the result of this year’s sales: the collected amount of €152 has been donated to Vogelbescherming Nederland.
Thank you!
You can order them by filling in the contact form or mail me @
Price per card: €3,50. Set of the 6 different cards: €14,00.
(prices are including envelopes and excluding postal costs)
A part of the profit will go to Vogelbescherming Nederland.
The 8e Zaanse Zomersalon at Café Fabriek
30 June till 31 August 2023
Finissage 27 August 16.00 o’clock – COME and check out the art (including my painting 👇)
and have a drink with me! –
Jan Sijbrandsteeg 12, Zaandam

The grand opening of this Kunsttraject group exhibition ‘Zonder thema’ was Friday the 25th of November.
The exhibition will be there until 8 January 2023, you can go there 24/7 to marvel!
The HAPPY HOLIDAY CARDS 2022 are here! You can order them by filling in the contact form or mail me @
Price per card: €3,50. Set of the 6 different cards: €14,00.
(prices are including envelopes and excluding postal costs)
A part of the profit will go to Natuurmonumenten.
From Saturday the 25th of June until the 25th of August: group exhibition The 7th Zaanse Zomersalon (Mondriaan, Mijn Muze) at Café Fabriek in Zaandam (Jan Sijbrandssteeg 12).
I will be there of and on and my self portrait ‘Carrot (at the Bowery, NYC)’ will be there 24/7 all summer! Come and (maybe) meet me for art and drink!
Sunday the 21st of August from 15.00-17.00 hrs: GRAND FINISSAGE! Come celebrate the end of the exhibition with me!
Pakje Kunst – GRAND OPENING the 24th of June – Bij Bind, Hembrugterrein, Zaandam
Game Of Shrooms 2022
Saturday the 11th of June

26 November 2021-15 January 2022: the MEMBER EXHIBITION of KUNSTTRAJECT with the theme: ‘Dreaming of Paradise’ at the art show windows in the Staatsliedenbuurt in Amsterdam -> with my painting ‘Doggy in front of the Bakery (Welcome! -the poop bag)’, acrylic on canvas, 13×30 cm, in the Van Boetzelaerstraat 80<-
Yes, it’s that time of the year already! The HAPPY HOLIDAY CARDS 2021 are here! You can order them by filling in the contact form or mail me @
Price per card: €3,40. Set of the 4 different cards: €12,50.
(prices are including envelopes and excluding postal costs)
A part of the profit will go to The Stray Cat Foundation Amsterdam (SAZ).
My self portrait ‘Green’ at the group exhibition My Freedom Your Freedom at Cafe Fabriek 26 August-26 October 2021
From May 27th 2020 until June 2021 you can see my cats (Meneer and Ed the Catboat Cat) on WG Kunst Art Route AMSTERDAM KATTENSTAD / CAT CITY !
De 6e Zaanse Zomersalon ‘Through the eyes of Monet’
18 June – 26 August 2021 at Café Fabriek, Jan Sijbrandssteeg 12, Zaandam
GRAND OPENING of this group exhibition Friday the 18th of June at 5 o’clock ! Please come and join me for a drink! 😀
Game of Shrooms - 12 June 2021
June 12th 2021 is the day of the GAME OF SHROOMS ! This is an only once a year and world-wide art-‘n-seek event created by Attaboy. On this day artists from all over the world (including yours truly) hide their original mushroom-themed works in public places, and then give hints on social media, for others to go out and find these works of art. And when you find one, you may keep ‘em, it’s yours!!
I made 5 tiny works of art on wood for YOU to find on Saturday, the Twelfth of June! These shrooms will be hidden somewhere in the neighborhood. In Amsterdam West/ Westerpark, Netherlands. I will drop hints on my Instagram account, so it will be easier for you to locate them. Good luck and have fun!
This spring in World Animal Protection Netherland’s Magazine ‘Werelddier’: yours truly! Click here for a digital version of this magazine.

From 1 February 2020 until 19 April 2021: (in between lockdowns due to Covid-19) big overview exhibition of a lot of my earlier work at the OBA (library) Spaarndammerbuurt, Spaarndammerstraat 490, Amsterdam!
19 December 2020-31 January 2021: the MEMBER EXHIBITION of KUNSTTRAJECT with the theme: ‘Journey Through My Room’ at the art show windows in the Staatsliedenbuurt in Amsterdam -> with my painting ‘The Green Chair’ in the J.M. Kemperstraat 121<-
3 t/m 13 december 2020 WG KUNST KERST SALE
Ook kunstwerken te koop via de Kerst Sale Webshop.
100 kunstenaars
100 werken
100 euro per stuk
Bestellen? Mail mij op lyndasmids@yahoo.com
Prijs per stuk: €3,20. Set van de 4 verschillende kaarten: €12,-.
(dit is inclusief enveloppen en exclusief verzendkosten)
Een deel van de opbrengst gaat naar World Animal Protection Nederland.
Order @
Price per card: €3,20. Set of the 4 different cards: €12,-.
(prices are including envelopes and excluding postal costs)
A part of the proceeds will go to World Animal Protection NL.
groepsexpositie in Galerie Blauw (met mijn schilderij ‘Bramenlunch’) – 18 oktober t/m 19 november 2020 (zaterdag en zondag geopend van 12:00-16:00)
group exhibition at Galerie Blauw (with my painting ‘Blackberry Lunch’)- 18 October ’till 19 November 2020 (open saturday and sunday from 12:00-1600)
De 5de Zaanse Zomersalon * GRANDE OPENING vrijdag 3 JULI 16:00 – 17:30 uur *
Groepsexpositie (met ook mijn schilderij ‘Better Days Are Coming’) in Café Fabriek – vrijdag 26 juli t/m donderdag 27 augustus 2020 – Jan Sijbrandssteeg 12, Zaandam
Vanaf 22 november 2019 tot en met 1 februari 2020 te zien: grote overzichtstentoonstelling van mijn werk in de OBA Spaarndammerbuurt, Spaarndammerstraat 490, Amsterdam!
From 22 November 2019 until February 1st 2020: big overview exhibition of my work in the OBA (library) Spaarndammerbuurt, Spaarndammerstraat 490, Amsterdam!

Zondag 2 februari t/m zaterdag 28 februari 2020: solo-expositie ‘Landschappen en Vogels’ in Galerie Blauw te Zaandam. / Sunday 2 February- Saturday 28 February 2020: solo exhibition ‘Landscapes and Birds’ at Galerie Blauw in Zaandam, NL.
Bestellen? Mail mij op lyndasmids@yahoo.com
Prijs per stuk: €2,80. Set van de 5 verschillende kaarten: €12,-.
(dit is inclusief enveloppen en exclusief verzendkosten)
Een deel van de opbrengst gaat naar De Poezenboot in Amsterdam.
Price per card: €2,80. Set of the 5 different cards: €12,-.
(prices are including envelopes and excluding postal costs)
A part of the profit will go to The Catboat in Amsterdam (De Poezenboot).

Op zondag 23 juni 2019 om 12:00-18:00 uur is de Blend Market Amsterdam op Plein 40-45. Stichting Amsterdamse Zwerfkatten staat hier met twee stands waarin zij kattenkunst verkopen, waaronder mijn handbeschilderde kattenservies! De opbrengst is geheel voor de zwerfkatten van Amsterdam! Komt allen en koop wat moois!
On Sunday, the 23rd of June, from 12:00-18:00, there will be a market at Plein 40-45 in Amsterdam. Foundation for the Stray Cats of Amsterdam will sell cat related art here, among which my hand painted cat crockery!! Proceeds go to the stray cats. Come and buy something pretty!

15 en 16 december worden er twee zeefdrukken en een schilderij van mij geëxposeerd en te koop aangeboden in de WG KUNST KERST SALE 2018! Dit jaar houdt WG Kunst – voor de tiende keer – in het weekend van zaterdag 15 & zondag 16 december 2018 een bijzondere verkooptentoonstelling. Meer dan honderd kunstwerken van ruim honderd kunstenaars worden aangeboden voor honderd euro per stuk. Dit evenement is uitgegroeid tot een jaarlijkse happening, waarvoor publiek van ver buiten Amsterdam naar WG Kunst komt. Ga naar https://www.wgkunst.nl/kerst-sale-2018/
ZE ZIJN ER WEER!! De Feestdagenkaarten 2018!!!! Per stuk kosten de kaarten €2,50 en per set (alle 5 de verschillende designs) kosten ze €10 (dit is inclusief enveloppen en exclusief verzendkosten). Een deel van de opbrengst gaat naar Stichting AAP. Als je ze wilt bestellen, stuur mij dan een mailtje op lyndasmids@yahoo.com .
Van links naar rechts: ‘Hartje van roodborstjes’, ‘Koningspinguïns’, ‘Stijntje (mijn adoptie Hudson eekhoorn -van Stichting AAP)’, ‘Gaudí’s Sagrada Família’ en ‘Rode Ibis’.
Van 17 november 2018 tot 6 januari 2019 te zien in de Kunstetalages van Kunsttraject Amsterdam (in de J.M. Kemperstraat 140):
‘De Vijver (in het Westerpark)’ en ‘Winter* (in het Westerpark)’, acryl op hout, 14,8 x 21 cm.
*Winter de hond
De schilderijen en de sierpostzegelvellen met de schilderijen zijn te koop bij Kunsttraject Amsterdam.